Thursday, April 15, 2010

Poetic Thursdays

I will start sharing m,y poems although some may be written months and even years ago....Enjoy!

The days they just seem to drag they never seem to end
And I am afraid it is my broken heart that will never mend
They say as time goes by the pain will subside
And for now what I really want is to just hide
I think about you every day you are my first thought
Grief has me in its clutch I know it has me caught
Some days are hard and life seems to pass me by
I know your looking down punk keep flying high
As this goes I know I forget to do normal things
But lets be honest this is forever the song my heart sings
So now your gone and your heart is finally whole
It is this way because a part of my heart when you left you stole
I know it will be years before I’ll have you in my arms
You are still with me though I still see all of your charms
This does not get easier but I hope to learn to live with this pain
Son I hope one day I can live and not be in such vain
I love you punk I am doing this trying to live for you
I am trying to honor you in all things I do
For if I can do anything it will be to have you live in me
Son you taught me that life will just always be
I will live for today as you really taught me well
Life should not be taken for granted this is your story it is now mine to tell

Jessica Twigg
October 10, 2009

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