Sunday, March 7, 2010

They call me Webster!

Wow what a week!!!!  Not sure how better to say it besides WOW!!!  You know I think if I could put a word in the dicitionary I think it would wollywowsers.  This word would be pronounesed Woe-lee-wow-zers.  The definition would be there is no way that really occurred, or so unreal.  I think that would best describe my week.  It was a bit overwhelming and it even mid blog gave me a block earlier this week.  Unreal is what I have thought all week.  However I guess as the week wound down some things turned around but ultimately it ended with a bang.
So after my blog much earlier this week I got a call on Thursday night.  A friend of mine named Claire who is 11 and needs a new heart got the call for her new heart.  She arrived at the hospital around 9:30pm to be told at 4am that the heart was no longer viable.  Such a let down.  That was a sleepless night and it ended not as great as we had all set out hoping for.
Friday came and went without much happening.  Except for I was given the news that I will need to move out of my friends home where I have been staying since January.  This is not great news as I am not sure where to go nor can I find a job, but I am gonna keep my head up that something will work out.  No use stressing right?  WRONG!!!  But that will be my secret to keep!  Make it look good on the outside while I am falling apart on the inside.
So Friday night though I also had to sing in a karaoke contest that I have been participating in.  I did not place in the winners circle, but I did win a trip to the Bahamas.  So in the last two weeks I have won 2 Nickelback tickets, an MP4 player, and now a 3 day 2 night trip to the Bahamas!!!  So that was nice.  However nothing good can be held onto for long as Saturday night I dropped someone off at their home and when the front door was opened smoke came billowing out like and swallowed the night sky.  I spent the next 15 minutes on the phone with 911 and getting people and dogs out of their home.  Thankfully there was no fire, but what had happened was the chimmney did have a small fire in it and the woodstove also back fired into the house filling it with smoke.  Thankfully the children were fine, but from being in there running around last night I do have some smoke inhalation which is affecting me heavily today. 
Then today we went to church.  I love going to church as a family and for the last month or so the kiddos and I have been going all together again with my sister and her baby.  There is nothing better than sitting with the ones you love knowing you will all end up in the same place after this life.  I also sat through an amazing Sunday school class today.  It was a Nooma video on Job.  The story of Job is a great story and one that I personally have felt close to. 
Anyhow the weather here is great and I am excited to take my kids outside to play in a bit, but I want to start doing a few new things on my blog.  Some of the things I will do will allow me to share many things about my life, my children, and who I am.  I am also going to start dedicating certain days to blogging about everything and how I may be feeling and doing, but other days I will be trying to share some great things with all of you. In order for me to share things I need you to all ask me some questions anything and everything can be asked and I will answer allowing you to get to know me better and allowing me to open up more of my life to others. Email me your questions to with the subject being Blog Questions.  I am excited to see your questions and even more excited to answer them for you.

May you have at some point today been able to see some of God's amazingness today.  The sun here is warm and gentle on my face.  I am taking the kids to the cemetery this afternoon for the first time since before it snowed.  We all still think of Ethin often, but know that one day we will all be spending eternity with him.  Until then we have some of the most wonderful memories.  I thank God every day for giving me those 5 1/2 months with my sweet Punk.  He is never gone just simply living in us rather than with us. 

Blessings, Jessica


Anonymous said...

Well... that's amazing but actually i have a hard time determining it... wonder how others think about this..

Anonymous said...
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