Monday, June 6, 2011

The way it's supposed to be

Well I would love to tell you that I have some great excuse as to why I have not written, but the truth is there is no good excuse for it!  I have been working my tail off!!!  When I am not working I am with the J Triplets, the boyfriend, or exercising.....
Well I should start with an update and say that I have been seizure free now for almost two months!!!  God is a healer and just as quickly as they came they also went.....That's all I am going to say about that.....
School lets out here this week and I am excited and happy for summer to finally be here.  In Michigan we truly experience all four seasons, but I would say the most fun is summer.  The kids are doing well and getting big.  All three of the kiddos are finishing up baseball and softball this week just in time as I started softball last week!  Work is still going well or I should say now that I am back to work!  Phil is still the love of my life and I feel so blessed to have him in my life.  Being in love really is a great look on me!!! 
So it is June of 2011......Has it really been almost two years???  Have I really lived without Ethin for almost two years?  I can not believe how much has changed in the last two years and as it approaches I am reminded constantly how hard it has been, yet in some ways all the blessings that have come through what has happened......
When June first arrived here I myself knew that the rest of the month was going to just feel dreadful....Well there are days like that and then there are days that seem fairly normal minus the obvious.  I still so many times think that this is a nightmare that will end and I will wake up and everything will be the way it is supposed to be.  Then I have those moments where I know that there are things that I have now that I would not have if things were the way they are supposed to be....So I am in the reality of the way things are and the way God has meant it to be.....But I still miss Ethin everyday and as the J Triplets go on their grief is becoming much more evident......In the midst of it all I do appreciate the way it is even though it's not the way it's supposed to be.
I will be writing more frequently this month as this month is hard.....And since nothing is the way it is supposed to be I just wanted to share this pic of the J Triplets and I with you from Mother's Day!
Yes we are true MSU fans!!  Even though things are not the way they are supposed to be they are the way they are and as hard as that is at times I am so thankful for the gifts in my life and that means these three kiddos.  My life is blessed!

1 comment:

Jaen Wolffis said...

I just thought about Camp Anew..a Christian Camp for kids who have experienced is coming up soon..check out their site for & prayers ,