Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Creeping Up

My sweet Ethin 1 year ago today June 21, 2009

It is all fast approaching as my birthday is almost here and so is the day I have dreaded for the last year.  I have almost survived the first year.


Stefenie said...

It was great getting to chat with you last night. Sorry I had to cut it short but it was still nice to hear from you.

As I told you last night I have been thinking of you a lot this week especially with the anniversary of Ethin's passing sneaking up. I just want you to know that I am praying for God's comfort during this week. I know it will be hard when that day comes but know that Ethin is still smiling down on you and so proud of all the things you have accomplished because of him.

Shannon said...

I've been thinking of you a lot lately Jess! I can't imagine how difficult the next few days will be, but know that we're always praying for you!

Lots of love and big heart hugs!!

Anonymous said...

I won't be around this weekend or with a computer but wanted to say that I am thinking of you this weekend.. I'm thinking of Ethin and praying for you both.. HUGS!!

In all Jess I'm very proud of you this year.. I know it's been very hard for you but in all you have handled everything that has come your way with most grace.. Maybe you don't feel that way but I see it..

Love ya..
